+50 basic phrases in Slovak
Hi everyone!
If you are a newcomer to Slovakia or just traveling, you may have discovered that not everyone here speaks English.
Therefore, having some basic Slovak phrases can be very useful and sometimes life-saving.
That’s why today at Linguarte we’re going to teach you the most important words and phrases you need to know.
Let’s start. Začiname!
The form of greeting is :
Ahoj (informal for one person).
Dobrý deň! (for a formal greeting for one person or a group of people).
Depending on the time of day we could also use:
Dobré ráno! (Good morning).
Dobrý večer! (Good afternoon!).
Dobrú noc! (Good evening!).
To say goodbye we can:
Čau! (Goodbye!)( singular).
Čaute! (plural/formal)
Some phrases of affirmation and negation are:
Áno – No. (Yes)
Nie (No)
Možno (maybe )
Ďakujem! (Thank you very much!) (Singular)
Ďakujeme! (plural)
Prepáč (singular)
Prepáčte (plural / informal)
Je mi to ľúto! (I’m very sorry)
To introduce yourself you can use:
Volám sa… (My name is…)
Som z … (I am from…)
Som turista… (I am a tourist.)
Bývam v… (I live in…) Bývam v…
Som ženatý / Nie som ženatý (masculine) Som vydatá / Nie som vydatá (feminine) (I am married / I am not married).
General information
Cestujem s… (I travel with.)
Cestujem sám. (I travel alone) / Necestujem sám (I do not travel alone).
Bývam v hoteli… (I am staying at the hotel).
Nehovorím po slovensky… (I don’t speak any Slovak).
Nerozumiem (I don’t understand).
Hovoríš po…? (Do you speak …?).
Hovorite po … (Do you speak …?) (formal / plural):
Anglicky (English)/ Francúzsky (French)/ Nemecky (German)/ Španielsky? (Spanish).
Zopakujte to, prosim? (Could you repeat that please?)
Moment prosim (One moment, please).
Pardon, som stratený (masculine) or stratená (feminine) (Excuse me, I’m lost…).
Kde je… ? (Where is… ?)
Some basic directions are:
Rovno (direct)
Napravo (to the right)
Naľavo (to the left)
Vedľa (next to)
Napíš to, prosím ? (singular) (Could you please write it down? ?)
Napíšte to, prosím? (formal/plural) (Could you please write it down? ? ?)
At the restaurant or pub
Máte voľný stôl? (Do you have free tables?)
Jeden stôl pre… jednu osobu, dve osoby (A table for…, please for 1 /2 persons).
Mohol por som vidieť menú? (male) (Could I see the menu, please?).
Mohla por som vidieť menu? (female).
Mohol /Mohla by som, prosím, vidieť vínnu kartu? (Could I see the wine list, please).
Čo mi odporučíte? (What do you recommend?).
Aké je a jedlo? (What is this dish?)
Dám si (I will have the…)
Mohli by sme dostať… (Could we have …?)
Ako predjedlo si dám… a ako hlavné jedlo si dám… (As a starter I will have the…, and as a main course I will have the…)
Viac chleba prosím. (A little more bread)
Pohár vody prosím (A glass of tap water).
Perlivá / Neperlivá (Still / sparkling?).
Nič iné, ďakujem (Nothing else, thanks)
Prepáčte! (Excuse me!)
Dobrú chuť! (Enjoy your meal!)
Vďaka, bolo a výborné! (Thank you, it was delicious!)
Účet, prosím . (The bill, please)
Zaplatíme, prosím (We would like to pay , please?).
Môžem platiť kartou? (May I pay by card?)
Môžem platiť v hotovosti? (Can I pay with cash?)
one jeden
two dva
three tri
four štyri
five päť
six šesť
seven sedem
eight osem
nine deväť
ten desať
Health phrases
Necítim sa dobre (I don’t feel well)
Bolí ma hlava (I have a headache).
Bolí ma brucho (I have a stomach ache)
Bolí ma telo (My body aches)
Dáte mi na a niečo (Do you have something for that?).
Mám horúčku. (I have a fever)
Mám alergiu (I have allergies)
Phrases to ask for help
Pomoc! (Help!)
Chyťte zlodeja! (Catch the thief!)
Zavolajte sanitku, políciu prosím (Call an ambulance/police)
Stala se nehoda (There has been an accident)
Kde je policajná stanica? (Where is the police station?)
Now you know many words and phrases that can help you survive when visiting Slovakia for the first time.
Follow us on our social networks where you can find more content related to Slovak, Spanish or English.
Thank you very much and goodbye, čau.